सेंट्रल Vista India। it's symbol of आत्मनिर्भर भारत

 If the old parliament 🏠 house gave डायरेक्शन to post इंडिपेंडेंस ऑफ इण्डिया,the new parliament House would become a witness of आमनिर्भर भारत।

श्री नरेंद्र मोदी

Hon,ble prime minister 

British architect Edwin lutyens and herbert Baker envisaged the central Vista complex as the centre of administration in India in house  all facilities needed for efficient functioning of the government it was inaugurated in १९३१.

The central Vista is India's administrative capital. 

There is राष्ट्र पति भवन the symbol of largest democracy of world. 

It's epitiomizes India's strength. 

North blocks and south blocks seats of India's administration. 

This is India's most important administrative institution in the country,including prime minister's office.

The parliament building icon of India's democratic Ethos.

A ९३ year of old building ,it's also known as heritage grade building . 

An icon of India's democratic spirit the parliament building sits at the heart of the central Vista and house the rajy सभा and लोक सभा।

Parliament museam was also added in the parliament library building to showcase the २५०० years of rich democratic heritage to the citizens. 

कर्तव्य पथ the ceromonial boulevard is one of most iconic place of Delhi,

३km from राष्ट्रपति भवन and the India gate was renamed the कर्तव्य पथ is also renowned for having a plush green cover which complete across to citizen. 

India gate is tribute to war heroes.all india war memorial, it is a sand stone arch that is dedicated to the troops of British India.

Fight १९१४to १९१९ troops of British India it commemorates more than ८०००० Indian soldiers.

Architect by Edwin lutyens.

It's similar to French counterpart war memorial,the Arc de triomphe.

National war memorial

The national war memorial is a ४० acre  memorial devoted to war heroes from १९४७.

Memorial of Indian troops

Name of २५९४२ soldiers name in stone gold latter.

So part of central viata is 

New parliament building

कर्तव्य पथ

Common central secretariate

Preserving the heritage and culture

Project progress fact

Contribution from across the country

Myths and reality.
